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- Maintain work records and logs
- Monitor personnel workloads and locations
- Dispatch personnel according to schedules and work orders
- Dispatch personnel as required by emergency situations
- Follow-up on issues with work orders
- Keep track of shipments
- Knowledge of cross border dispatching regulations and practices
- Record mileage, fuel use, repairs and other expenses
Support for persons with disabilities
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for persons with disabilities
Support for newcomers and refugees
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural trainings to create a welcoming work environment for newcomers and/or refugees
Support for youths
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for youth
Support for Veterans
- Supports Veterans in translating their military skills and experience into the language of the civilian job market
Support for Indigenous people
- Facilitates access to Elders who can offer support and guidance to Indigenous workers
Support for mature workers
- Provides workspace accommodations, such as age-appropriate ergonomic considerations, to meet the physical needs of mature workers (for example: adjustable desks and chairs, accessible parking, etc.)
Supports for visible minorities
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural training to create a welcoming work environment for members of visible minorities